A Little accident

When I was young, I think I was six or seven years old, I had a little accident with a glass. Well I start with the beginig. It was a afternoon of summer, final of summer, and I was playing with my brother and my cousins in the courtyard of my house, and my small cousin and I were pursuing to my old brother and my old cousin, the big against the smalls was an injustice!! But finally they closed upinside the room and they left us outside. In this moment I felt angry and I want to enter inside any way. I tryied without violence but finaly I couldn't support it more and want to pushing the door with all my strengths, before continuing I have to say one thing the door was made with some glasses..., and I also want to push it by the little wood that there were, but my arms "patinar" and I crashed one glass, firs I wasn't hurt but the moment that I remove the arms to the crashed glass I have cut, with several hurts, the two arms after my mum come very fast and she took me to the hospital where the doctors sweded my left arm with fifteen stitches, the other arm was imposible to sweded because it wasn't any meet and you also colud see the bone. Now I already remember it like if it was yesterday and I also remember the blood how it went out of my arms, and when I remember it I laugh and I think that I haven't to go at class thfirst week of school.


The carnival is a celebration that has came from South America. This celebration has been very famous all over the world. The carnival consist in a prucession in the village, or in the city wher the people dress in a different clothes and they, sometimes, make a float to put the drink or food o it.
This year, we dressed as tennis players ad at the last moment we've decided to make a simple float. This year we have gone to Sant Pere and Roses the frst week and the next week to Castelló and Empuriabreva wehere it was organised and to finish a lunch next to the pavillon, like every year.
I think that this year it wil be a bit different of other years, because the other years we dressed alone and we were ten in the group, but this year we've dressed with another group and there were a lot of people in it.

The Research Project

In this new entry I will talk about a project that we have to do for improve the batxillerat. This project it's done by a pupil helped with a teacher that the highschool has give it to him. This project is started in first of batxillerat and it has to be presenmted one year before, in second of batxillerat. Normaly the teacher give to us a list with some subjects for choose soeone, we can also do a proposition and if the teachers accept it we can do it. This is a very important project for the final mark of batxillerat and also because if you don't pass it you must repeat the batxillerat.


In this entry I will talk about a spetial thing for me, my real country. This isn't an official country now but I hope that in few years, no more than ten, it will be officialy and it will apear on the maps. This region is one of the most beautiful places and with a very important history all over the world. Catalonia is situated in one of the bests places of the iberian peninsula with the Pirineus on the north side and with the Mediterranean sea on the right side. His history is very important for the conquest of the majority of the Mediterranean sea and for one of the militar company of the almogavers, known by his skill and agresivity in the battle. I think that a terrytory, a culture, a language and a history like that have to be an independent country and show, without being submitted to other countries, this beautiful things.