Foreign Languages

As you know, in the exam we've to do a writting about the foreign languages. Well, me, I don't know what I've written in it, but anything related with the foreign languages. Now I will try to do a littel explanation about it for do the writting as you have done.
Learn a foreign languages are one of the best cultural things that we can do in our lives because with different languages we can communnicate with the persons of other countries, and also understand them. The foreign languages are also important fo go on holidays and make possible that in the different hotels , restaurants, bars, museums, or otherpublic places understand you and that the holidays go well.
The problem that the languages have is that you need to spend a lot of money and time for learnt it well and to be able to have a conversation with more facilities or more difficulties. One of the other prooblems of the languages is that you, maybe, could mix the different languages between theirselves and this makes that you don't know any language completly well.
The different languages are some tools for have more culture and also for know different cultures and also different people from all over the world, and also for understand the different problems between some cultures.

1 comentaris:


12 de març del 2009, a les 9:07

Thanks! That is a good way to learn, Xavi, you'll never forget what "foreign" means, won't you?