
Today I'll talk about the most important competition in Europe: the Euroleague. It consists in a competition with the best teams that are in Europe. This competition is divided on four phases, the regular season, where participate 24 teams, the Top 16, with 16 teams, the quarterfinal round and the final four. The first phase consists on four groups with six teams in each group. These teams plays two games with each team (home and away) and the four first teams of the group pass to the top 16 where, the 16 teams that pass are divided on four groups where the two best teams of each group pass to the quarterfinal round where the first teams of each group plays against a second placed team of another group and they compites in a serie of maximum 5 games. The winers of this series pass to tha Fnal Four where the four teams compites for the first place. This year the final will be celebrated in Berlin and the four teams classified for the FInal Four are: Barcelona, CSK Moscou, Olympiacos and Panathinaikos. First Barcelona will play against the CSK Moscou and the Olympiacos will play against Panathinaikos. This games will be very interesting to see because, they are good teams and this games will be the most importants for them.


Now I will talk about a football team: the team that will eliminate the R.Madrid from the champions leage, one team with the best fans all over the world and with one of the best stadium of the world. I think you know wih team is but if not this team is the Liverpool. His coach is Rafa Benitez and this team is considered one of the bests teams of England.The stadium is Anfield and, always, all the fans sing his anthem that is one of the most popular anthems of football teams. His anthem is the famous "You'll never walk alone". Liverpool, surnamed the reds, was founded by John Houlding for different echonomical problems with the other city team the Everton. Liverpool has supported two big dissasters: one in the Champions Leage finals where some english hooligans provoqued a landslide that killed 39 persons of the other team, the other disaster was in the semi-finals of the English Cup where 96 fans of Liverpool died crushed. But these big disasters didn't stop the Liverpool, because in his list of victories there are 5 Champions Leagues, 3 UEFA cups, 18 leagues, and lots of national cups.

Foreign Languages

As you know, in the exam we've to do a writting about the foreign languages. Well, me, I don't know what I've written in it, but anything related with the foreign languages. Now I will try to do a littel explanation about it for do the writting as you have done.
Learn a foreign languages are one of the best cultural things that we can do in our lives because with different languages we can communnicate with the persons of other countries, and also understand them. The foreign languages are also important fo go on holidays and make possible that in the different hotels , restaurants, bars, museums, or otherpublic places understand you and that the holidays go well.
The problem that the languages have is that you need to spend a lot of money and time for learnt it well and to be able to have a conversation with more facilities or more difficulties. One of the other prooblems of the languages is that you, maybe, could mix the different languages between theirselves and this makes that you don't know any language completly well.
The different languages are some tools for have more culture and also for know different cultures and also different people from all over the world, and also for understand the different problems between some cultures.


Well, now I will talk about an organization that do the most important missions in the space. Nasa was formed in 1958 by the National Aeronautics and Space Act, and it's resposible for the space program and for the long-term civilan and military research. It was created because, in 1957, the sovietics launch the first satellit (Sputnik 1), this called the attention of United States and after several months of debat, they decided that they need a new federal agency to control the non military activity in space. In 31st January 1958, the NASA, launched her first artifitial satellit. After this succesfull launch there were others, but the most important was the Apollo project, that wants to land humans on the Moon and return them to the Earth. The first mission was Apollo 1 that was not any result, because all the astronauts died during an experimentally simullation where a fire was generated in the command module. After this they do some unmanned tests: Apollo 8 and Apollo 11, that their objectives were orbiting the Moon, and returned photographs. On July 20, 1969 the NASA tried a new expedition for land humans on the Moon with Apollo 11, their creew members where Neil Amstrong and Buzz Aldrin, this expedition achieved his objective and these two astronauts were the first humans that have put the here feet on the Moon.
An other great thing that the NASA has done is the skylab, the first space station that United States launched in orbit.
After two great events, the NASA has done lots of spacial missions for explore the Space an for know if there are some live in som place, the last mission launched by the NASA is the Kepler on March 6 at 22:49:57 from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

Different changes in the F1 cars

In this new entry I will talk about the defferents changes introduced in the cars of F1. The most importants are three: the KERS, the tyres and the wings.
The KERS is a new system for recover the kinetic energy genereted by the car’s braking. This energy is stored in a battery. This energy will be available to the driver with a button on the steering wheel, the power gain is about 80 horsepower available just for seven seconds.
The tyres changes because the slick tyres returns and substitute the grooved tyres wich were the official tyres for ten seasons.
The other change is the front wings and the rear wing. The front wing becomes lower and wider and with adjustable flaps. The rear wing becomes taller and narrower.

Here you have a video where explain these things and some others.

Frankenstein: Film vs Book (differences)

I will talk about the differences between the film and the book of Frankenstein. Well, the first difference that we could see is that in the book the monster is going by sledge when he was pursuing victor, but in the film we can appreciate that the monster is going by feed. We can also see that in the film has suppressed one of the brothers of Victor because there is only one of them: William, and in the book there are two: William and Ernest. We can also see that in the film victor meet Henry in the University when in the book he meet him when he was younger. We also appreciate that in the book, the monster saves a girl from the river, but in the film, this it isn't. Another difference is that, in the film, the father of Victor dies for sadness, and in the book, is killed by the monster. The last difference that I've found is that in the film Victor give life to the body of Elisabeth when in the book it doesn't happen. Well I think that these are some differences, not all, but they are the only that I've found.