Last Wednesday R.Madrid drawed with Olympique Lyonaises and he was knocked down from the Champions leage. This has been the last inesperated elimination of this millionaire team that show us that the money aren't enough to be the best team.
Publicat per Xavier divendres, 12 de març del 2010 a 7:41
Last Wednesday R.Madrid drawed with Olympique Lyonaises and he was knocked down from the Champions leage. This has been the last inesperated elimination of this millionaire team that show us that the money aren't enough to be the best team.
Publicat per Xavier a 6:48
Publicat per Xavier a 5:55
Publicat per Xavier a 3:08
Monday 8th March was a special day for lot of people because it made a strange weather in all Catalunya. This day snowed in all the country, including near the coast. One of the places where it snowed hardly was my village, Castelló d'Empúries, where it didn't snow since 1960, when it has also snowed hardly.
The Monday snowfall was so big that cause big problems with the electricity and many people is staying at home without light, water, central heating...
Publicat per Xavier dilluns, 1 de març del 2010 a 3:46
0 comentaris Etiquetes de comentaris: 2nd batxillerat, 2nd term, Canada vs US, your-say