The Orchestra

Is a classic musical group that there are lots of members and instruments.The instruments that form the orchestra are:
- The violin
- The percussion
- The cellos
- The double bass
- The wind metal
- The wind wood
- The violas

The most important instruments are the violins, the metal and the percussion. There are two kind of instruments: the first and the second.
the first instruments are those that do the most important things in the piece and they are the most importants instruments in the orchestra. The second instruments do the thingas that are easier and the accompaniment.

The Violin

The violin is the other instrument that I play and I think that's a very important instrument because it do the most important thing inth orchestra and the sound that it has is a sound that it can move your mind in many places or ages like the Midle Age. the violin has two parts, one is the box that makes the sound and the other part is the bow that provokes the sound with the rubbing with the ropes of the box.

Pau Gasol

In this new entry I will talk about my favourite player of basketball Pau Gasol. Pau is a catalan basketball player that was the second Spanish player and first Catalan player of the history signed on by a team of the NBA (Memphis Grizzlies, 2001), and considerate one of the more distinguished players of the Spanish selection of basketball. He played in FC Barcelona from 1999 to 2001 that was crossed to Memphis where he won the price of Rookie of the year and he had done lots of great matches. In 1st February 2008 he was crossed to LA Lakers where near to Kobe Bryant he won: 1 Title of the West Conference.
Now Pau is playing and winnind matches with Kobe Bryant and I hope that this year they will win the finals and won a Champion Ring.


Brams is my favourite group of music because his music was really good and the lyrics were very good and the things that they say are true things and I feel in it.
Brams was a catalan group that started in 1990 and they finished with the group in 2005. They was marked by the
commitment with their nation and the social commitment to their letters, being part of the musical movement denominated Rock Català.
The members was :

- Francesc Ribera "Titot" - The singer
- Jordi Castilla - The piano
- Albert Vila - The bass
- David Rosell - The guitar and trumpet
- Santi Careta - The guitar
- Guillem Vernis - The saxophone
- Xevi Vila "Xef" - The drums
- Silvia Cardona - The choire

The Cobla

In this new entry I will talk about a group of music, the cobla.
The cobla is a traditional musical group from Ctalonia and it play's different kinds of music like the waltz but the most important is the sardana. In the cobla are eleven members:

- Two trumpets
- One trombone

- Two althorns
- One double bass
- One flageolet
- Two tibles
- Two tenores

This are the normal members but sometimes can be more members like three trumpets or two flageolets.

Basquet Castelló

Now I will talk about my team of basketball, the basquet Castelló. Is a new team that was formed for some parents that wasn't agree with the president of the other team. We started the club with the same players that we was at the other team. After, the prblems was with the the teams that formed the adults because some have to wrk, others have to study... and these teams were dissolved and now we are the bigest in the club.


In this new entry I talk about the sport that I prefer and I practise, the basketball. I started basketball when I was twelve because the basketball is a sport that you are always active, it's an emotionant and active sport that you can never be bored because you, always , are playing, also if you are on the bench. The basketball is a sport that makes you channge your actions and sometimes you do some actions that you never do in your normal live.

The Tenora

In this entry I will talk about the instrument that I play. The instrument is the tenora, it's not a well known instrument and I think that is a dificult instrument and the sound of it is one of the bests that I have ever heard, the sound is sweet and relaxing. Is a traditional instrument form Catalonia and it's in the cobla but it could beused insome special groups. The tenora, we can divided by three parts, two are of wood and the other is of metal.


Now I will talk about my favourite film Braveheart. This is a film that were relased in 1995 and has won lots of prices. This is a film that combines a love story, war story and historical story, that makes the film better. This film is a clear example that only with some actions you can be stronger but with the wrong actions you can trembleonly for one person who want to change the things and you will be weak.

My First Entry


This is my first entry in the blog. I don't know what to write, but I'll try it. The last weekend, I didn't do anything special. On Saturday I sleept all the morning an after I did my homework and at night I went out to give something to eat to the cat. On Sunday I get up late but at five o'clock I started the season with one of the best teams that there are in our group, the Banyoles, we lost, but the match was really good. In general, I think that this weekend has been different because I started the basketball season.